Physics 223B, Fall 2006 (CRN 37512),
Time: MW 2:10-3:30pm; Place: 416 Phys/Geo
Teacher: Professor Ling-Lie Chau
Office: 431 Phys/Geo; phone: 752-2715;
Office hours: MWF 3:30-4pm -- extendable, at 431
Phys/Geo; or by appointment
Group Theory for the Fundamental Laws of Physics
Motivation: Toward the end of the 20th century physicists
(theorists and experimentalists) had consolidated the amazing realization
that Nature makes use of group theory for all four basic interactions:
weak, electromagnetic (now unified to be called electroweak), strong,
and gravitational. Symmetry lays the foundation of physical laws with
simplicity beauty. Symmetry breaking brings about the complexity beauty
of physical phenomena: mass genesis in particle physics, and critical
phenomena and phase transitions in cosmology, condensed matter, sciences
of complex systems. Group theory is the precise language to describe them.
Therefore, it is important that all physicists understand group theory
from this perspective. In this course I will make it clear and precise
Prerequisite of the course: vector spaces,
complex analysis, ODE, PDE, and variation method.
Outline of possible course material:
1. Lie Groups in Defining Spaces:
Abelian, SO(N), & SO(N+1)
2. Representations of U(1), SU(2),
& SO(3)
3. Representations of SO(3+1),
& Relations to SU(2) & SL(2,C)
4. SU(3), SU(N), & Particle
5. Inhomogeneous Groups: ISO(n)
& ISO(n+1)
6. Lie Groups in Function Spaces
7. Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Dirac
Equations, & Lie Groups
8. Maxwell, Yang-Mills Equations,
& Lorentz, Gauge Symmetries
9. Einstein Equations & Coordinate
& Gauge Symmetries
10. Variational Methods
11. Global Groups & Applications
Appendix: Highlights of important prerequisite
material .
These are essentially the topics taken from the book I have been
writing (with the same title as this course). Needless to say, we will
not have time to cover them all. The strategy I will take is to cover
the basics in depth, so after taking the course students will be equipped
with the basic understanding of group theory and able to add to it whatever
more are needed in their research.
Midterm 1 (1hr, Wednesday, 11/1/06, class time)
Midterm 2 (1hr, Wednesday, 11/22/06, class
time) 15%
Final (2
hrs, Tuesday, 12/12/06, 130-330pm ) 30%
Bonus points for grade uplifting
Organizational matters:
* This is a lecture-based course. Lectures are self-contained
and sufficient for doing homework and taking the exams of the course.
Exams are based upon lectures and homework materials. (Homework
and exams are closely related to lectures. So every lecture can be
viewed as a homework and exam solving session. Full concentration
in listening to lectures and taking lecture notes will save students’
time in doing homework and in preparing for exams.) Therefore, it
is essential that students attend the lectures and take good notes,
then review and restructure their own derivation, outline and conclusion.
Students are encouraged to form study groups for reviewing lectures and
discussing them.
[This lecture-based method was created out of necessity
due to the lack of a suitable textbook -- and my book material is
not ready for distribution. It turns out this method has many advantages
over the conventional method of having a designated textbook. It
saves students time and money, and takes away textbooks as “crutches
and excuses ” for the students to not pay full attention to the lectures
or even not to come to classes (and then not to read textbooks systematically)
and for the teacher to not be clear and precise in lecturing.
In any case this is the best we can do now. At the end of this syllabus,
some references are listed.]
* If a student has to miss a class, which should by
all means be avoided, it is the student’s responsibility to make
arrangements with other students to obtain the lecture notes. However,
one should remember to return favors. Collaboration works only
when there is give-and-take. Students are encouraged to help other
fellow students. (One of the best ways to learn is to teach and
help others.)
* Participation will take into consideration various
kinds of participation (which are open for your creative implementation).
Besides during class and office hours, students are most welcome
to ask questions by e-mail. E-mail provides a very efficient form
of communication. We should all make the best use of it. I will respond
as soon as possible. Those e-mail communications that are relevant
and helpful to the whole class will be sent to the whole class. (Students
should always specify if they want any of their communications to be
kept confidential.) Check e-mail frequently, at least once a day. Please
always start the Subject of your e-mail to me by “223B; ----” and then
put a few words to capture the content of your e-mail. These will be
useful for my filing and making reference to them.
* Bonus points are offered for outstanding homework,
exams, active participation (in class, in office hours, or by e-mails)
and homework chosen as class solution. (Bonus points to a worthy
verbal active participation will be given when it is backed up by an
e-mail from the student to me.) Bonus points will be counted toward the
score of homework and also be listed separately as an honor and distinction
to be counted toward Participation. The quantitative weight of bonus
points will be fairly small, however their importance is in their
distinction. All bonus points and other participation records will
be useful toward possible grade up-lifting.
* Grading will be decided both “absolutely” and “relatively”:
There is a certain absolute standard of the course, above which
one passes and below which one fails. Also there is certain absolute
standard, above which one gets an A+. Therefore, in principle all
of you can get an A or A+. (It did happen.) The grading will also make
sure that the better performing students obtain better grades, so the
grading is also “relative.”
* This is a 3-unit course. Students need to put in
the total about 9-to-12 hours/week for 223B, according to
university rules. I would recommend students to spend the 9-to-12 hours/week
as follows:
Attending lectures: 3 hours (3x50mins class plus 3x10mins overhead
Studying and reorganizing notes: 2-to-3 hours (2x1.5 hours)
Doing homework: 4-to-6 hours.
If students do all of the above, it will be impossible
for students to not obtain a good grade. Not only is it the most
effective way, it is the most enjoyable way. The methodology will
serve the students well no matter what they endeavor to do.
* There will be 10 homework, due before the
Tuesday class. Every student can discard the worst score, or not to
hand in one. No late homework will be accepted, except for, only
for, the student’s own dire health-related emergency. In that case,
the student must obtain an official letter from a verifiable M.D. who
certifies that the student’s health conditions (no specifics needed)
are such that the student absolutely cannot do the homework before the
due time. Whether a late homework is accepted will be determined on a case-by-case
basis. A percentage of the late homework score may be deducted. The precise
percentage of the deduction will also be decided on a case-by-case basis.
Also understand that once the solution is out, no late homework can be
considered, period. For further info, see
Homework Guidelines
* Graded homework will be in each student's Physics
Department mailbox, or in an envelope in front of my office for
those who do not have a mailbox in the Physics Department.
* Solutions to the homework will be chosen from students’
solutions. Bonus points will be given to those whose solutions
are chosen. A copy of the solution will be delivered to Shields (and
students will be notified by e-mail as soon as that happens). The
hard copy will be available as a 2hr loan at the Reserve of Shields
Library, as well as on the Reserve web.
* Exams are “closed book." Paper will be provided
and only those can be used. Therefore, for exams, all that students
have to bring are their favorite writing utensils and a well-prepared,
clear mind (for which sufficient sleep is absolutely essential).
Only, and only, a student’s own dire health-related emergency can
allow the student to miss an exam. In that case, the student must
obtain an official letter from a verifiable M.D. who certifies that
the student’s health conditions (no specifics needed) are such that the
student absolutely cannot come to take the exam. Whether a make-up exam
is granted will be determined on a case-by-case basis. A percentage of
the make-up exam score may be deducted. The precise percentage of the deduction
will also be decided on a case-by-case basis.
* Any corrections or rebuttals to graded homework
must be done in writing and given with the full graded homework
to me before the first class of the following week . I will
answer them in writing. The same procedure applies to graded exams,
except that the deadlines for exam rebuttals are within 24 hours.
References (2hr loan at Reserve of Shields
for this course)
* H.F. Jones, Groups, Representations, and Physics
* W.K. Tung, Group Theory in Physics
Useful tables (available for use at the libraries):
* Tables of Integrals and Other Mathematical Data,
H.B. Dwight,Macmillan;
* Tables of Integrals, Series and Products, I.S. Gradshteyn
and L.M.Ryzhik, Academic Press;
* Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas,
Graphs and Mathematical Tables, Editors M. Abramowitz and I.A.
Stegun, National Bureau of Standards;
* Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics, Mathematical
Society of Japan.